Joseph Kairo : Why I Imported and Sold My ksh 35 Million Latest and only V8 Range Rover in Kenya
Joseph Kairo, Reveals why he imported and sold his latest V8 Range Rover,Worth ksh. 35 Million.

A famous city car dealer identified as Joseph Kairo, was the one who imported the first edition V8 Range Rover Worth ksh. 35 Million.
The photos of the luxurious car went viral online and most Kenyans were surprised and shocked.
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Who is Joseph Kairo?
Joseph is one of the enthusiastic and legit car dealer in Kenya. Joseph is a middle aged man. He is the owner of the famous Imports by Kairo. It is a Multimillion car importing company.
How Joseph Kairo Started Imports By Kairo.
Imports by Kairo started 6 years ago. Joseph begun this company from the bottom with the little money he had saved. In previous Interview Joseph said that, he begun the company with only 3 vehicles. After selling the cars, he started looking for connections from Singapore and Japan.
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The growth of Imports by Kairo.
Joseph Kairo managed to build good relationships with car dealers from abroad. This opened him a way to start doing business with them. Joseph upgraded and started importing bigger cars as his brand gain fame.
How Imports by Joseph Kairo gained fame
Kabi wa Jesus and Willis Raburu are among the celebrities who helped im marketing Kairo. The company became a limited company and they even started importing lamborgini and even choppers. Kairo opened a new garage at Diamond plaza. currently he is the most trusted Car dealer in Kenya.
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Importing and selling the first edition V8 Range Rover worth ksh. 35 Million.
Joseph Kairo revealed that he is the one who imported the first ever first line edition V8 Range Rover in Kenya. He said that it costed him ksh. 35 Million to ship it into the country.

Joseph said that it was a business deal. So he imported the car with the intention of selling it to his client. Joseph said that it was a very profitable business deal. When the car arrived in Kenya. The client who is a rich tycoon had ksh. 35 Million ready and he bought it from him.
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Future Plans of Joseph Kairo
Joseph Kairo said that he is a business man. When it comes to importing such expensive machines he is always willing to do it. Joseph said that his company is yet to import other expensive cars and choppers.