Clothing brands : How A Famous Kenyan Artist Started A Multimillion Clothing Brand with ksh. 250.
See how a Kenyan artists started one of the most famous Clothing brands with ksh. 250 (2usd).

Starting Clothing brands does not require alot of money as many people usually think. It requires creativity, sustained efforts and a strong will to win.
Awicko brand is among the famous Clothing brands in Kenya. This brand is owned by a famous Kenyan Afrobenga musician identified as Awicko. His journey to success hasn’t been easy.
How Awicko Clothing brands started.
Awicko is just a middle aged boy who has grown in the streets of Kariobangi. Before joining music and fashion industry, Awicko used to cook Chapati. So one day her mother bought him a smart short for only ksh. 50 bob.
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His friend admired the short and was ready to buy it at ksh. 250. Awicko didn’t hesitate, he immediately sold the short and made a profit. From there the idea of investing in fashion industry came into his mind.
He had an overview that it is a profitable business and maybe he might grow and in future be among biggest clothing brands in Kenya.
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Venturing into Fashion Industry.
After making profit from his first sales. Awicko started buying more clothes at a lower price and sell them to his friends and other customers at a slightly higher price. The business started becoming huge and celebrities started noticing him. His brand became big and he started his own stores. Currently Awicko has a clothing store worth millions and he has employed several people.
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Reaching to that level hasn’t been easy. Awicko said that Awicko Clothing brands are now fully dependent and they deliver in all parts of the country.
Kenyan Celebrities who Wear Awicko Clothing brands Outfit.

Awicko dresses several artists and he has been a personal designer of Timmy Tdat for along time. Arrow Bwoy, Mr seed, Michael Olunga, Joash Onyango and even Masterpiece are among celebrities who rock in his brand outfits.
Despite being a musician, Awicko is making a very good amount of money from his clothing business. The idea that only begun with ksh. 250 and now it is a Multimillion business. Clothing brands may seem to require a lot of money. But if you are determined and focused you can start with the little you have.
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