Aki Ni Uchungu, Moi Girls Student Who Scored A Plain In 2024 KCSE Dies

Aki Ni Uchungu, Moi Girls Student Who Scored A Plain In 2024 KCSE Dies
Harriet Awour is no more, she was among the top students in KCSE, Harriet a student of Moi Girls, Eldoret, had been ailing for a while. The young brilliant lady was forced to take her KCSE exams while admitted in hospital.
Despite being on medication, Harriet performed exemplary very well, and she managed to score a clean, straight A Plain.
Her school rewarded her Ksh.100,000 for performing well in the national examinations. They have been praying for her to recover and they were optimistic that she will heal and continue with her education by joining one of the top universities in Kenya.
But unfortunately the young girl was pronounced dead on 25th February 2025.
Here is the link to the full information on Facebook.
Here is the screenshot of the full information on Facebook.( Courtesy).
May her soul rest in peace. We pray for her family during this difficult moments.