Andrew Kibe: Nataka Ruebaby, Akothee Only Impresses Wazee Wa Maumau.
Akothee vs Kibe Beef.

It is like the Kenyan content creator who is based in USA, Andrew Kibe is not tired of insulting , Kenyan singer and business woman Esther Akoth, well known as Akothee. The two celebrities are having a very bitter beef online, and it is like things won’t end soon.
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Kibe is still angry at Akothee, after she insulted him via her official Facebook page that he has low libido and he is just a failure who ran away from his problems in Kenya. Madam boss really damaged Kibe and she used all kind of insults to make him look like a failure.
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Andrew Kibe is a no nonsense man, his content is unapologetic, because he always say whatever he wants. The content creator has told Akothee to give Ruebaby her phone, he can only communicate with Rue , because she is the one who impresses him, and they can vibe very well.
Kibe said that Akothee only impresses old men who are aged 70 years and above, he referred to them as Maumau fighters. According to him, those old men are the one who can vibe with Akothee well, and they can see her as a learned person, but for him is a big no.
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He also went on and cancelled his plans of coming to Kenya to satisfy Akothee’s conjugal rights, as he had alleged in his podcast, he said will send a person identified as ‘Mkenya Daima’ to handle Akothee very well.