
Yesu Wa Tongaren: Wanawake Wanasuka Nywele na Kupaka Lipstick Hawataenda Heaven.

The self proclaimed Jesus from Tongaren Bungoma, Eliud Wekesa well known as Yesu wa Tongaren has alleged that God has shown him the list of people who won’t go to heaven.

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Speaking during an interview with one of the online TV,  Yesu wa Tongaren said that he was just walking at his neighbourhood, and a cloud opened Infront of him, and inside the cloud God showed him people who won’t enter heaven.

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He alleged that he saw women who plait their hair, use lipsticks , have piercings and use makeup going to hell. He said that those are the type of women who won’t enter heaven.

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” Nilikuwa natembea, mbingu ikafunguka , Mzee akanionyesha watu ambao hawataenda mbinguni. Wanawake ambao wamesuka nywele walikuwa wamejaa huko, wale wa kupaka lipstick na kutoboa masikio pia walikuwa wamejaa, kwa hivyo kama kuna mwanamke yeyote amesuka nywele asahau mbinguni” He said.

Yesu wa Tongaren insisted that he is the true jesus, and he has been sent by God to save the lost generation as he prepare them for end times.He said that people aren’t believing him , and he is okay with that because even the bible says that a real servant of God is always rejected by his people.

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