Tizian Savage: On a Good Day I Can Spent Ksh.150,000.

From a Nduthi guy to a tiktok millionaire, Tizian Savage is among the few Kenyan youths who have made it in life through tiktok. It all started as a joke, where he was referred to as the cutest Bodaboda rider in Nakuru, went viral on Tiktok and that is how he started using the fame to change his lifestyle.
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In his early 20s he has achieved alot, and recently he bought a brand new Audi, that is courtesy of tiktok. He does live matches, and people sent him gifts, which he withraws as money and that is how he funds his expensive lifestyle.

Speaking in an interview with Flossy Trukid, Tizian Savage was asked about the amount of money he usually spends daily. The young man said that on a good day , he can spend ksh.150,000. This is shopping, and also buy his outfits and other things.
Read more:“Nipe Mechi Nikulipie Rent Ya 6 Months ” Nyako Tells 20 Years Old Tiktoker Tizian Savage.
He however denied to reveal the highest amount of money he has ever spend on a single day , claiming that the figure is high, and Kenyans won’t believe it.
Read more:Justina Syokau: On A Bad Day I Used To Earn Ksh.70,000 and Good Day Ksh.700,000 From Selling CD’s.
The fact is that Tizian is making good amount if money from tiktok. There is a single live, he made around Ksh.800,000 and it was a live match with a famous tiktoker. Tiktok pays, all you need is to make sure that you have numbers and also do something to be famous ,then you will make it like the likes of Nyako and others.
Click the link below to watch full video on Tiktok.