Tiktoker Cindy Breaks Down in Tears, After Being Denied Food at Chira’s Burial.

Tiktoker Cindy was among one of the most famous people on Kenyan tiktok who attended Brian Chira’s burial ceremony in Gitunguri. Cindy who is famous for her ‘Nyonga na mia’ slogan caused stir at the funeral after she started shedding tears .
Read more:Baba Talisha: Mulamwah Refused to Take A Photo With Chira and Also To Post a Paybill For Fundraising
Cindy was emotional because she missed food, or she was denied food. She said that the main intention of a funeral is to mourn, celebrate the dead and later eat very well.
She was prepared to eat well and she had all her appetite up only to be denied food. Emotional Cindy said that she was only given water and a Soda and those are not food, they are just like starter packs.
Read more:” Aliuliwa it was not an Accident” Close Friend Reveals 3 People Behind Brian Chira’s Death.
She blamed the organisers and said that over ksh 8 million was raised, where was that money taken, because there was no food at the funeral. Cindy went on to shed tears, and said that the funeral wasn’t good because there was no food.
Click the link below to watch full video on Instagram.