The self proclaimed chairman of gospel music industry in Kenya Ringtone Apoko decided to hit out at the USA based Kenyan content creator, Andrew Kibe, during a live interview at TV 47 with Dr Ofweneke.
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Ringtone who is always controversial, decided to judge Andrew Kibe, and this is based on his content and how he usually speaks bad about celebrities and married people.
Apoko started by hitting out at Bahati and DK Kwenye Beat new song ” Fanya Mamboo” , he said the song is just a trash, and the dancers in the video song aren’t gospel music dancers, they are Willy Paul’s dancers.
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He said that Bahati is a disgrace in the gospel music industry, he should just remain in the secular music and stop confusing God and his children who see him as their role model.
For the case of Andrew Kibe, Ringtone said that people like Andrew Kibe have already booked their direct ticket to hell. He said that there is no way someone like Andrew Kibe will enter heaven, Apoko said he is sure of that and he knows hell will be the new home of Kibe after his death.
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Bahati was also included in that list. Ringtone however said that himself he is assured of a place in heaven, and he is God’s soldier and commander in chief in this world. Everything he does is guided by God.
Click the link to watch full video on YouTube.