” Wanachapwa Slaps Na Viboko” Inside Bethel Church In Bomet Where Worshippers Are Tortured

” Wanachapwa Slaps Na Viboko” Inside Bethel Church In Bomet Where Worshippers Are Tortured
Religion in Kenya is turning into something else, most of the emerging churches have set some weird rules, and they have been taking that advantage to assault and torture worshippers in the name of God.
Bethel Church in Bomet is among the churches that have been torturing their worshippers in the name of scaring away demons or praying for them.
In a video that has gone viral online, a school girl decided to open up on how she had been tortured by his pastor. The lady showed the injuries resulting from slaps and blows from the man of God who was praying for her.
Worshippers have finally decided to come out openly and expose their pastor for humiliating them, in the name of God. They have vowed not to tolerate such an indecent act happen in there church again. The young girl is currently nursing injuries at the nearest health centre.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.