Revealed: Kajala Cheated on Harmonize With A South African Man.

Harmonize’s close friend Mwijaku has come out openly to reveal the reason why Harmonize and Kajala parted ways. According to Mwijaku , Kajala Cheated on Harmonize with unknown South African Man and this forced the singer to make a very heartbreaking decision which was to end their relationship.
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The two love birds parted ways late 2022, according to Mwijaku who holds deep secrets of the two, Harmonize was ready to settle with Kajala. He had even informed him about their wedding which was to happen in 2022 December.
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Harmonize was a very loyal man, and he even used to leave Kajala with his phone, to prove to her that he isn’t cheating. He gave Kajala everything she wanted and even gifted her a Rangerover.
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Mwijaku said that Kajala came back to Harmonize because of the Rangerover, and she just wanted to use him for money and fame and then dump him.
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The day they parted ways, Harmonize found out that Kajala was cheating on him with unknown South African Man. In addition to that Mwijaku said that Kajala also was flirting with other several men in her inbox and the messages were just nasty and it was something that wasn’t worth forgiveness.
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He said that whatever Harmonize is singing in his songs about heartbreak, it is a real life experience, and Kajala used him for real and dumped him. He however said that he is optimistic that Harmonize will come back stronger and everything will be fine.
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