Nameless and Wahu Wise Advise to Kave Kazoze After Going Broke

Veteran and most beloved singers in Kenya, The Mathenges, that is Nameless and Wahu, are among the few legendary artists who have come out openly to advise Ngesh Kaveve Kazoze, after she revealed that she was broke and famous.
They said that Ngesh went viral all over sudden, and the pressure of fame to her was unexpected. She was just new in the industry and famous, but the hardest part was that she was famous in the industry that she doesn’t know how it operates.
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In that situation, Nameless said it is very trick for an artist to go through those stages without complaining. For him and Wahu, their fame was gradually, they became famous as they get to learn more on how the industry operates.
However for Kaveve Kazoze, there was no that process. She was just ambushed by fame, and things just happened very fast, she was topping the chats. This made it easier for con brands to use her, because she was famous and still illiterate about the Kenyan music.
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Nameless and Wahu told Kaveve Kazoze that challenges are part of the journey. She is very talented, she needs to keep on working smart for her to solve those challenges. They told her that kenyans expect alot from her, she can’t afford to be complaining because it is part of the game.
They told her to be optimistic and be calm with the fame, work on her art and eventually God will just open doors and everything will be fine, she should therefore stop worrying and do music.
Click the link below to watch full video on Tiktok.