Mwanaume Kamili, Kabi Wa Jesus Helped His Wife to Push the Baby in the Delivery Room. (Video).
Wajesus Family Welcome Their Second born

The Wajesus Family are currently celebrating another precious gift from almighty God, this is their baby number two and she is a baby girl. According to the couples the baby has brought too much joy for them and she has bonded them for real.
Unlike most of the Kenyan men, Kabi Wa Jesus has been very supportive to his wife throughout the gestation period. He has been the strength of Milly and he has been always there to provide for Milly everything.
(milly Experiencing Labour Pains)
(courtesy of Kabi Wa Jesus Instagram).
What has caught so many peoples attention is Kabi Wa Jesus helping Milly to push the baby while they were in the delivery room. I mean Kabi was encouraging her wife to push and through his facial expressions he was really feeling the pain his wife was going through.
Majority of Kenyan men never enter the delivery room, they fear to witness their wife going through the labour pains, Kabi is indeed a real man, and he truly love his wife and he has proved to the world that the Wajesus family are bonded through love.
Congratulations Kabi Wa Jesus and Milly Wa Jesus.
Incase you haven’t watched the video, here is the link to the full video on YouTube.