” Mtoto Wangu Alinipigia Simu Time Alikuwa anauliwa” Jeff Mwathi’s Mother Reveals What Jeff Told Her Before His Death.
Jeff Mwathi's Mother Reveals What Jeff Told Her Before

The story of Jeff Mwathi the interior designer who was found death at Dj Fatxo’s premises is taking a new twist, after the DCI team declared Dj Fatxo free , and said that he is not the one who killed the young man.
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This was the most heartbreaking news to Jeff Mwathi’s family, because they were not told who killed their loved. According to them justice wasn’t served and Mama Jeff has decided to spill the beans on social media , and try to prove that Jeff was killed in Dj Fatxo’s house.
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Speaking via tiktok live, Jeff Mwathi’s Mother said that Jeff called her the time he was being killed. The phone didn’t connect well because of the VPN.
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However she said that the last word she heard from Jeff was him calling her ‘mum’, and the mood suggested that something wrong and unsual was going on.
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She said that she wasn’t able to save her son because of VPN , and till to date she hates VPN. Jeffs mother said maybe if the phone could have connected then he could have saved his son. She also alleged that after killing Jeff, Fatxo and his crew destroyed his phone. Jeffs mother insists that Fatxo was involved in the killing of her son.
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Here is the video.
DJ Fatxo on the other hand still maintains that he is innocent, and he claims that Jeff committed suicide, and during an interview with Massawe Jappani, Fatxo said that before leaving the club, Jeff wasn’t in good terms with his girlfriend.