Kilimani Airbnb: A Woman Stabs A Man With A Knife on His “Nyash” Several Times.
Kilimani Airbnb Incident

The Airbnb chronicles in Kenya continues, and it seems like this time round, women have decided to also be more vigilant. This comes after several ladies in Kenya claimed to have been assaulted in Airbnbs and in addition the death of Starlet Wahu and Ritah Waeni.
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In the video that has gone viral online, it has been reported that, a certain man was almost meeting his death, after the lady she met on tinder decided to stab him several times on his behinds after a steamy season.
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The sources revealed that the incident happened in one of the Airbnbs in Kilimani area. The information going viral is that the man failed to follow the instructions of their steamy moments, whereby he was supposed to ejaculate outside but he did it inside, and this made the lady to get mad.
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The screams of the middle aged man are the ones that saved him. He had seen his death coming, but by grace of God, people managed to come through and save him. The lady said that the man didn’t follow their agreement, and that is why she got angry and stabbed him with a knife several times, to injure him.

Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.