Inside Ksh.300 Million Mansion in Runda Owned By Ringtone Apoko.
Ringtone Apoko's Mansion in Runda.

Inside ksh.300 Million Mansion in Runda Owned By Ringtone Apoko: Most of the legendary Kenyan Artists invested wisely their wealth. Ringtone is among the famous musicians who started trending long time ago , and are living a very lavish lifestyle in suburbs.
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In Kenya Ringtone Apoko is the only musician who owns a mansion both in Runda and Karen. This estates are suburbs and here is where tycoons and prominent people in Kenya reside.The estate is full of expensive mansions.Apoko owns a very huge mansion in Runda .
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The mansion has 10 bedroom and it is located in a very cool place . The environment is just conducive. It has huge kitchen, sitting room, Dsq, he even has his own personal studio inside.

There were allegations that the mansion doesn’t belong to him, but the musician cleared the airwaves by doing the mansion tour. The house was full of his things and he indeed proved that he owns it.
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Some Kenyans usually wonder why is Ringtone Apoko rich and living a very lavish lifestyle, yet the current gospel music does not pay. He is a business man and during 2013 campaigns he really made millions of money.
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The self proclaimed president of gospel used to campaign for jubilee and he openly said that, he used to earn about ksh.1 Million per day . He imvested his wealth wisely and is through his investment , he managed to buy a mansion in Runda and Karen.
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He is also building another mansion in Muthaiga area and he will unveil to the public also. Ringtone is among the few musicians in Kenya who own a fleet of cars which include Rangerover sports 2021, which is worth about ksh.20 Million.
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