Imenikula Ksh.450,000, Kinuthia Says as He Undergoes Gastric Balloon Weightloss Process.
Kinuthia Undergoes Gastric Balloon Weightloss Process.

One of the most famous Kenyan tiktoker Kevin Kinuthia, who is also a crossdresser, has undergone Gastric Balloon Weightloss process. The tiktoker aims at loosing more than 40 Kg’s.
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Gastric Balloon Weight Loss Process.
A swallowable gastric balloon is a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical tool used in the treatment of obesity. In conjunction with a supervised diet it can help you achieve the health and aesthetic benefits associated with weight loss.
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Speaking in an interview with Mungai Eve. Kinuthia said that he had no any other option rather than going for the Weightloss process. He said that he had reached to a point whereby he was unable to walk for short distances. Whenever he did small chores he used to sweat alot because of his weight.
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Kinuthia said that he considered this process because he is lazy and going to gym is not his thing. He said the process is also safe and it has worked very well for several celebrities, such as Kate Actress.
The crossdresser revealed that the whole process has costed him ksh.450,000. This is from his pocket and it is the money he was Saving to buy a brand new car.
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He said that he doesn’t regret because his health matters alot. The Gastric Balloon Weightloss process will take only 4 Months.