How Miracle Babys Intestines Bursted : Hospital Bill At Ksh.1.2 Million, Family Seeking For Financial Support.
Lets Support Peter Miracle Baby

One of the most famous and celebrated kenyan Gengetone artist and Mugithi superstar, Peter Miracle Baby was admitted in one of the hospitals in Nairobi. He underwent a successful surgery, but things aren’t that well.
Read more:Miracle Baby’s Intestines Burst: He Will Be Going To The Toilet THrough Pipes
According to his wife Carol Katrue, Peter Miracle Baby’s intestine bursted, and this led to him undergoing an emergency surgery. They were removed and they decided to put pipes and also supporting equipment to atleast recover for about 7 days and then later return the intestines.
The family which is represented by Carol Katrue, are urging Kenyans of goodwill, to kindly help them raise the hospital bill of ksh.1.2 Million. She said that the hospital is demanding for atleast half of that money, so that they can continue treating him.

It is indeed a very difficult time for the family, this is not the first time, Peter has undergone surgery. According to Carol, is something that just happens over time, and in most cases he is usually given drugs and gets back to normal, but this time round, things were very tricky and surgery was the only way to save Peter.
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