
Former Manager: Stevo Must Pay Me Ksh.150,000 To Have His YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok Back.

Former manager of Stevo Simple Boy, Chingiboy, who is Solomon Mkubwas son, finally decided to open up on his relationship with Simple Boy and why he had to quit as a manager.

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He said that Stevo is being controlled by his family, and they have been fighting him. He has been spending alot of money to brand Simple Boy, but the family has been all over claiming that he is eating Simple Boys money.

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The manager said that despite being disappointed, and making huge losses because he borrowed money to invest in Stevo but it has never returned upto date. He is ready to give Simple Boy his social media accounts back, but under one condition.

Read more:“Stevo Ajaribu Content Creation, Tumetoa 10 Songs but Youtube We Earned only Ksh.10,000”.

The condition is that, him he paid ksh.150,000 from his pocket to get the social media accounts, that is YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok from the previous management, so what he wants is just his money back and that is all.

He doesn’t want to go into arguments he is very much ready to handover everything, as long as he is paid back the money he invested on simple boy.

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