Eldoret Fearless Pastor Claims President Ruto is Satanic.

After throwing shade at Pastor Ezekiel, the Eldoret based pastor is now on President William Ruto, the senior most person in Kenya. The pastor who seems to be fearless, claimed that President William Ruto wasn’t choosen by God.
Read more:Meet Zaleck Momanyi, The Man Truthwatchdog Alleged to Have Murdered Brian Chira.
The pastor who is based in Transnzoia County believes that God didn’t choose Ruto for Kenyans, and he alleges that president Ruto is Satanic and he is the reason why Kenyans are suffering.
Read more:” Ezekiel is Misleading Christian, He is Serving The Devil” Kitale Based Pastor Claims.
He claimed that since the president ascended to power, alot of white preachers, whom he believes that are hypocrites have been fleeing into the country and creating satanic altars in Kenya and this will harm the nation.
This pastor doesn’t even fear the president, he boldly said that he isn’t a man of God, and went on to threaten Pastor Ezekiel, he said that he will make sure that Ezekiel is on his knees.
Here is the video.