
Cheating Adults caught red-handed in Mlolongo, Kenya

A woman who is a headmistress from Mlolongo was caught red-handed with someone’s husband in a room during last Christmas Day.

In a report filed by the complainant Mr. Loice two days later, this happened when the
husband had pretended to be attending a job-related end year party for his organisation.
The two lovebirds would later be caught by keen passers-by behind the car chair
cuddling and naked.

Courtesy ( Illustration).

The act raised eyebrows to a level the wife to the man was told about it. She quickly
jumped out of her house to the scene only to find it was the truth.
She made noise confronting the two cheating lovers and, at some point, she was heard
threatening to teach them a life lesson.
“You don’t know me. I am going to make sure you all pay for your illicit action.
“I am mad because you are cheating right in my face. Silly adults,” she yelled for
Shortly, the two lovers got scared and attempted to break out from the car which theyhad locked themselves from inside but it was a case of too late.

Read more:My Family went through a lot before reprieve came by.

The car was not opening its doors and the two were stuck together like Siamese twins.Loice revealed to friends that she tipped Dr. Kiwanga about it before he unleashed terror to bind the cheating adults together.
Kiwanga is a powerful traditional doctor who can punish cheating spouse and bring him or her to discipline. Call this number+254 769404965

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