Brian Chira’s Shosh Exposes Baba T, Wamekula Pesa Za Chira na Kunitishia Nisiongee na Watu.

Finally the much awaited interview has been done, it was about Brian Chira’s Shosh, and everyone was waiting for the Shosh to speak up. The shosh decided to expose everything to the public and how she has been having difficulty moments while mourning his grandson.
Read more:” My Boyfriend Alikuwa Tiger Kwa Bed, I Will Miss The Experience” Manzi Wa Kibera Mourns.
Speaking in an interview with Obidan Dela , Shosh said that after thr Tiktokers raised that amount of money , she has never been in peace. She was left in debts and she started by paying Baba Talisha ksh.200,000 , then she was told to pay for buses and other things.
She went on and revealed that Ksh.40,000 that was given by Peter Salasya, she wasn’t given, and Baba Talisha was the one who took the money. Shosh said that she paid for other things such as video people and she hasn’t seen or received any video and the funeral wasn’t livestreamed as expected.
She said that since the death of Chira, they took her phone and she wasn’t in communication with anyone. She even doesn’t know where the money that was sent by people from Uk went , because she didn’t have the phone. She was limited to talking to people.
The shosh said that she is hurting and she really wants people who are investigating the death of Chira to continue, she said she is supporting . And despite everything she fears nobody, she is calm and waiting for her death.
Here is the Video.