” Alinifuta Kazi Nikajam Nikamuwekea Dawa Ya Mende Kwa Food” Househelp Admits Poisoning Her Boss

” Alinifuta Kazi Nikajam Nikamuwekea Dawa Ya Mende Kwa Food” Househelp Admits Poisoning Her Boss
Alot has been happening in Kenya, apart from femicide, the issues of househelp trying to kill their bosses has been on the rise. In Kasarani a shamba boy recently killed his boss due to delayed salary, now the story that has been going viral is of a female househelp somewhere in Nairobi who tried to kill her boss through poisoning.
In a video that has gone viral online, the young lady decided to speak out the truth, she said that her boss fired her and she became very angry, she took cockroach poison and put it in all the fridge foods and also in water and in the baby’s thermos.
The lady was seeking for forgiveness, and her boss is still in hospital but in a stable condition.This is an attempt murder case and she is supposed to be charged in the court of law.
Here is the link to the full video on Instagram.