Brief Introduction.
It is possible for someone to have HIV without noticing that they are positive. Here are some of Early Signs of HIV /AIDs.
HIV is among the most feared virus in the world because it has no cure . Globally there are about 37.7million who are living with HIV . According to the latest research, youths are the most affected, and out of 37. 7Million, adolescent’s are about 18 Million. Early Signs of HIV /AIDs, are sometimes difficult to be noticed. Read Also :
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There are various Early signs of HIV /AIDs, that can’t be noticed easily. The main means of transmission is through having unprotected sex with the infected person. Hence if you have had unprotected sex and you start experiencing the following signs frequently then go for HIV test. Chances of you being positive are high.
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5, Early Signs of HIV /AIDs
1. Fever
It is a common Early Signs of HIV /AIDs. For the case of the HIV virus, the temperature of the body is usually above 37.5 degrees Celsius. This fever goes on and leads to sore throat and expanded lymph organs.
2. Weight Loss.
Abnormal weight loss clearly indicates that there is something strange happening to your body. Either the virus has started eating you up or you are suffering from a very serious illness. This is another Early Sign of HlV/AIDs, without knowing.
3. Fatigue
One of the most common, Early Signs of HIV/AIDs is feeling worn out and depleted every time. Your body is always tired, this means that the white blood cells have sensed danger and trying to fight with the virus, but the virus is more stronger than them.
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4. Vomitting, Nausea and Diarrhea.
This is also another sing that one has the virus. Though it is a common sign to many illness but for the case of serious illness such as HIV, it is usually extreme. About 30 % to 60% of the infected people experience this sign.
5. Midnight Sweating and Nail Color Change.
This are common, Early Signs of HIV / AIDs. Most people who have HIV, usually experience midnight sweating in all seasons, even the winter season. The change of nails color usually indicates that someone has been infected by a virus and it has started eating him or her up.
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If you have had unprotected sex, and you experience those Early sings of HIV /AIDs , please go for HIV testing so that you can start medications as early as possible.