
“Tumeteseka Sana, Stop Bullying My Son Please” Rev Victor Githu’s Mother Pleads

Victor Githu's Mother

(Image, Victor Githu’s Mother interviewed by Mungai Eve)

Rev Victor Githu’s Mother has come out openly to plead with the social media bullies to stop bullying her 12 years old son. The Mother said that they have a very dark past, and it has been through prayers, that Victor has been able to reach where he is and glow the way he is glowing.

The Mother said that she still remembers very well when Victor began to trend, and it was at the pandemic time. That time things were very tough for them, she said that they had nothing even a single sent, and by bad luck Victor got ill. She said that it was during this period that the God they serve came through for them.

After struggling to seek medication and browing from friends some little money, and even going to an extent of asking help from police officers, a certain man who was the fan of Victor, came through for them. He gave them ksh. 50,000 and since then, there life has changed completely and now they are at least stable.

She said that she is a strong believer and she is proud of what his son is doing. She said that at first she usually used to look at the social media trolls directed to his son and cry. However now days she doesn’t cry because Victor himself is always unbothered with the bullies, however there is that pain she feels like a parent.

She said that sometimes she is usually shocked to see an old person who is more than 40 years old, bullying his 12 years old son. “It is very sad to see people who are parents bullying my son, as if they don’t know the pain someone feels”. She said it has been God and it will always God and if the bullies don’t listen to their Cries, then as usual God will always come and fight for them.

She also praised Victor for his courage and said that despite being the last born in their family, he is very mature, and at school he is performing very well, he is even the deputy president, and both students and teachers love him very much.

She also said the story about the Kisii and Kamba people burning in hell wasn’t said by victor. That was just a fixed story that was meant to bring his son down.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube. (courtesy of Mungai Eve).

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