Sammy Boy Kenya: I have Withdrawn more than ksh.25 Million From Forex This Year.(Video).
Sammy Boy Kenya shows off millions of Money he has withdrawn from Forex.

One of the youngest forex Millionaire in Kenya Sammy Boy Kenya flaunted his forex account and showed people how he makes losses and profits.
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This was a way of proving that he is a legit forex trader. He said that all the romours that have been spreading online are hot air just meant to bring his brand down.
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Speaking in an interview with Presenter Ali. Sammy Boy said that he started trading four years ago . He used to enroll into online classes and thàt is where he gained all the knowledge.
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Since then he has been coding his own robots, and using them to trade. When he started forex he used to make many losses, but with time, he balanced losses and profits, and now he is really making millions of money from the platform.
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He said that he has never scammed anyone. Those romours and allegations are just meant to bring his brand down. They are just haters who don’t know his trading background.
Sammy said that he only does business on Instagram and Youtube. He doesn’t have telegram or Facebook account. People should be careful with the fake Sammy Boy Kenya who ask them money, via Facebook and Telegram.
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To prove that he is a legit forex trader, Sammy showed his forex account. He flaunted the money he has withdrawn, and the deposits he has made.
The account shows that he has withdrawn more than ksh.25 Million from forex this year. The balance in the account, was about ksh. 9 Milllion.
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On deposits, he usually makes deposits of Upto ksh.100,000 plus and he makes sure that he trades very well. There are also days that he makes losses. However due to his experience , he knows how to manage losses.
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This is a full evidence that Sammy Boy Kenya does legit forex. When it comes to his lifestyle, he doesn’t depend on trading alone. He also has several businesses. His businesses, include gaming lounge, clothline, uber cars , beauty spa and many others.
Click here to watch full video on YouTube.