Sammy Boy Kenya Forex : How I made Over ksh. 200 Million Transactions From Trading in 6 Months.
Sammy Boy Kenya Forex explains how he made transactions of over ksh. 200 Million From Forex in 6 Months.

Sammy Boy Kenya Forex is really making big moves and he has proved to Kenyans that Forex is legit. Sammy Boy is indeed making millions from online trading.
Who is Sammy Boy Kenya Forex ?

Sammy Boy is among the Kenyan youngest boys who have made it in life via forex trading. He has managed to build his mum a very lavish house and opened several business premises in the city. At below 25 years he is owning 3 cars including a Mercedes Benz AMG.
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How Sammy Boy made 24 million in 6 months.
Speaking in an interview with one of the online media journalist and content creator Commentator. Sammy Boy said that he is still wondering why he was recently trending because of sharing his Mpesa statement of ksh. 24 million.
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Sammy Boy Kenya Forex said It was a statement for 6 months, meaning he had spent that amount of time money in 6 months.
Why He shared screenshots of his Mpesa Transactions.
Sammy Boy Kenya said that it is rare for him to walk with cash. All his petty transactions he normally uses Mpesa. He said that the money had accumulated to ksh. 24 Million in a span of 6 months only.
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Sammy Boy Kenya Forex said that the main reason why he posted the screenshots was to motivate youths that they can make it in life , and encourage them to work smart.
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Having Forex Transactions of Over ksh. 200 Million in 6 months.
Sammy Boy went a head and said that his forex transaction is over ksh. 200 Million. He said that if he could have posted that, he could have trended for the whole month.
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Sammy Boy said that he has never scammed anybody and he usually works day and night trying to come up with better trading bots.
Sammy Boy Forex said that he usually sell the trading bots to his clients at a cheaper price, and this is how he has managed to make millions of money from forex Trading.
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Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.