How Sammy Boy Made ksh. 11 Million From Forex in 1 Month.
How Sammy Boy Makes Millions from Forex

Sammy Boy is among the youngest Kenyan youths who have made it in life as a result of online trading. At his early 20s, Sammy Boy is among the young millionaires who are owning expensive cars and living lavish life. See how Sammy Boy made Ksh.11 Million from forex in only 1 month.
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Speaking in an interview with his best friend Cocktail, Sammy Boy revealed that he has been doing online trading, that is forex for the past 5 years and it has took him time to reach to the top and start making millions of money.
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He said he started by doing crypto currency and also buying bitcoin and selling them at a higher price in 2017. The smaller profits he used to gain, he usually used them as a fee to learn Forex online.
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After gaining knowledge about forex he started coding his own formulas or trading bots and using them to trade. It was a process because for a bot to work it must be verified and it takes quite some time. So he didn’t give up he continued doing so till he came up with perfect bots.
So in order to gain a very good profit, Sammy Boy has been selling his bots at ksh. 20,000 and also at the same time trading using the same bots. Sammy said the first month which the bots functioned well he made ksh. 7 Million and this opened his eyes and he continued to be more creative.
He said that he has been on his peak despite making some losses but the profits he makes are crazy and the highest amount of money he has ever made from Forex Trading is ksh. 11 million in one month. Sammy Boy said forex pays but you must also be ready for losses and the highest amount of money he has ever lost is ksh. 2 million in a week.
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Sammy Boy encouraged young youths to be focused and go with things that add value to them and also to always be determined about making it in life that is having a positive mindset.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube (courtesy).