” Alilewa Mpaka Akajisahau” Bahati Exposes How His Wife Diana Marua Embarrassed Him in Dubai.
How Diana Marua Embarrassed Bahati in Dubai.

Musician Kevin Bahati has exposed his wife Diana badly for embarrassing him while they were in a vacation in Dubai. The couple were in Dubai for several days, and it was both a vacation and also job, because they had to shoot videos for promoting a certain company.
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Bahati said that while they were in Dubai, his wife Diana decided to quench her thirst for Alcohol in one of the clubs. She took excess alcohol to an extend that she wasn’t able to walk by herself , she was tipsy and out of her mind.
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Since she couldn’t walk stable, Bahati was forced to go and drag her out of the club, where she was twerking and dancing with South African ladies. Bahati dragged her into the car, and Diana messed up in the car, she puked inside .
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That was just the beginning of embarrassing moment, when they got inside the room that they had booked. Diana wasn’t in a good condition, and she was just puking everywhere, she almost puked on their bed. Bahati was forced to undress her, and put her in one corner of the rooms.
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He later made her to puke everything at the corner. Since they had no anything to sweep away the mess, Bahati used his hands to carry away the things Diana had puked, and dumped them in the washroom. It was just a very embarrassing moment for Bahati.
Because of his love for Diana Marua,he carried her to the bed, and made sure that she is well covered. Despite doing all that, Bahati still feel that Diana really embarrassed him.
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Diana on her side defended herself by saying that , the alcohol that people take in Dubai is not the same to the one that Kenyans take, so the wine she drunk , really messed up with her health, and that is why she kept on puking.
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