
Prince Mwiti Exposes Baba T For Using Chira’s Death To Gain Fame and Wealth.

It is like the story of Brian Chira won’t stop anytime soon. The tune keeps on changing and his close friends keep on switching sides. Prince Mwiti who was a close friend of Brian Chira, and also defending Baba Talisha, decided to come out openly and exposed him .

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On a tiktok live, Prince Mwiti said that, Baba Talisha is a sympathy seeker and he always user people’s death to gain fame and wealth. He said that apart from the death of his wife and Chira’s death, Baba Talisha has no content.

Prince Mwiti said that when it comes to the death of Chira, Baba Talisha devoured alot of money, he jumped into the funeral , yet he wasn’t even a close friend of Chira. According to Mwiti , he had seen an opportunity and formed some fake company’s to steal funeral money. According to Mwiti the funeral wasn’t even worth above ksh.300,000.

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He said that Baba T ate the money that King Roso sent, and he has been pretending to be a good person. He said that women from gulf and single mothers are the one who have been protecting him, and making him look like a good person, and yet his deeds are bad.

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Those were the allegations of Prince Mwiti towards Baba Talisha, and he said that he is yet to reveal more about Baba T and Chira, he even alleged that Baba Talisha might be knowing what happened to Chira and maybe that might be the reason why the fastened the burial of Brian Chira.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.


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