Emotional Moments As Gatwiri’s Body Arrives For A Prayer Service

Emotional Moments As Gatwiri’s Body Arrives For A Prayer Service
Tabitha Gatwiri’s death is still fresh in Kenyans minds and it has been a very huge blow to the entire entertainment industry. She was a very talented actress and content creator, her untimely death has raised alot of unanswered questions, keeping in mind that she was just found dead.
Her body has been removed from the Kenyatta University referral mortuary, and the disbelief and emotions you could see, you could tell that her family, relatives and friends were in pain. The session seemed to he calm and full of emotions, it is a huge blow and even his own brother said that he has lost his best friend.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.
The year 2024 has been unfair to the entertainment industry and they have lost more than 3 celebrities, Njambi Koikai, Brian Chira, Fred Omondi and now Tabitha Gatwiri, we hope all shall be well in 2025.