
Meet Judith earning at $ 32,000 after suffering at home for years

When you are stuck at how you can make it through in a job interview, there are certain ways one can use and win an opportunity even when you do not have a god father.

Photo /Courtesy

I have a friend called Judith from Mwanza who was looking for a job in hotel andhospitality for so long. It was actually hard for her to secure one because she did nothave either connections and godfather to help her throughout her journey of job

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She got frustrated along the way and even contemplated throwing in the towel despite
having good papers.
“I am no longer going to apply any job because it seems I have no good luck to get one.
“I am now completely tired of going for interviews that I cannot be considered. To hell
with it,” she wrote on her Facebook page.
At this rate, one of her followers in Tanzania felt for her and wrote, “Judy why not visit a spell caster so that you can be cleansed and your star opened. You have a chance to open your ways by talking to a spell caster who will chase away bad luck from your life.

“I am aliving testimony,” the concerned follower wrote in an advice to Judith.
Judith having read this; she didn’t think twice and sent a DM to the follower asking fordetails of the traditional healer. She was sent this number +254769404965.

Talked to the healer who immediately asked her a few self-introspection questions, cast Good luck spells at a small fee and, as we speak today, Judith is now employed at a
tourists hotel in South Africa’s Johannesburg. She revealed earnings at $ 32,000.

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