“Hatukulani hata” Bahati Opens up on Having Low Libido.
Musician Bahati Opens up on Having Low Libido.

One of the most famous and also controversial kenyan secular and former gospel musician, Kevin Kioko Bahati has caused stir online again.
Bahati who is now a father of 5 children , decided to share a video of his conversation with a doctor. The singer was feeling unwell and together with his wife Diana Marua , they decided to seek medical assistance from a private doctor.
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While explaining his problems to the doctor, Bahati revealed that his bedroom performance had gone down. He said that he no longer satisfy his wife Diana Marua very well in bed.
Bahati complained of low libido , and he urged the doctor live on camera, to help him because as a man, he is supposed to satisfy his wife very well in bed.
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His wife Diana Marua agreed with him and even told the doctor that Bahati is very lazy in bed. She told the doctor, to give him the perfect medication that will help him restore his appetite and also performance as soon as possible.
The doctor told Bahati not to worry , because it is a common problem that most men, especially married men usually face. He told Bahati to try and abstain , atleast to give his body enough time to rest.
He assured Bahati that everything will be well as soon as he complete his medication. The singer responded back to the doctor , by telling him that he won’t be able to abstain because as a man he must always act. Diana Marua also supported him and said that abstaining will be difficult for the two of them.
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Bahati and Diana always share their private life online. They are content creators,and that is their source of living, hence they must share interesting videos for them to get views. They are a power couple and we hope everything will be fine.
Click here to watch full video on YouTube.