Namibian Tribe Where Steamy Twa Twa Session is Offered to Guests For Free and Shower Without Water.
Unique Culture of Himba Tribe in Namibia

The Himba community is one of the most famous tribes in Namibia and Africa in general. Their culture is unique, and it has been attracting most of the tourist to just get to learn more about the society.
Read Also:Inside the Tribe where Girls are Forced to Have Sex with ‘ Hyenas’ After Their 1st Period ( Video).
Where they are located

Himba tribe in Namibia are located
The Himba (singular: OmuHimba, plural: OvaHimba) are an indigenous people with an estimated population of about 50,000 people living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene Region (formerly Kaokoland) and on the other side of the Kunene River in southern Angola.
Read Also:Inside Uganda Village Where Humans Eat Humans.
How they take shower without water.
Himba are remarkably famous for covering themselves with otjize paste, a cosmetic mixture of butterfat and ochre pigment, to cleanse the skin over long periods due to water scarcity and protect themselves from the extremely hot and dry climate of the Kaokoland as well as against mosquito insect bites.

Points to Note
In situations where ladies are on their monthly period, they usually isolate themselves from others, sit down the tree for 3 to 4 days, their is a green pigment they apply for themselves and also red ochre for them to smell good. It is also vital to be aware that they have unique initiation process, where teenagers get removed some of their lower teeths.
Offering free sex to visitors .
This is another interesting part of their culture. It is said and revealed that the Himba society always have a very warm welcome to their visitors.
They usually treat them very well, and to quench their male guests thirst, they usually give them their women to get intimate with them and satisfy their conjugal rights.

This is something that started along time ago by their grandparents. It still exists, but not as strict as before, because some of men are civilized and sometimes they usually refuse to offer their wives to their guests, but it is a tradition and it exists.
Himba don’t wear clothes, they just put on their traditional attires, where you can see the ladies boobs out. They also do go to school, hence they are educated, but they practice their culture more.
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