Kigodoro, Amberay Spotted Wearing Butt Lift to Boost Her Behinds
Amberay Wearing Butt Boosters

Kigodoro, Amberay Spotted Wearing Butt Lift to Boost Her Behinds.
One of the most controversial and famous cute female socialite in Kenya Amberay has found herself in hot soup again. This is after the Instagram Netizens noticed something unusual about her behinds, it was clearly evident that she was putting on something to boost them.
In her Instagram post trying to promote Mozzart bet, Amberay was spotted wearing a tight short, but her behinds were not same, one seemed to be larger than the other. It seemed that she had put on something but, with the dressing code, it is like that thing didn’t fit very well on her butts.
Instagram DCI were able to notice and most of them said that it was a butt booster (Kigodoro), this is usually used to help women look like they have big butts whenever they appear in public so that men can get attracted to them because men now days love women with big behinds.
Here is the video of Amberay allegedly wearing a butt lift to increase or boost her behinds.
Here are some of the screenshots of comments from some of the Instagram Netizens.
In an interview with Obinna Amberay said that her butts are natural and she has never done any surgery or put on butt lifters, but from the video above things are different and if you just observe keenly, she has something inside and most probably it is a butt lifter. It is something common now days, and ladies are used to wearing them so that they can get attention.