In the current society and generation, women empowerment is playing a huge role in making sure that a good number of girls go to school and get educated. This is something that wasn’t valued before, especially in most African countries, where most cultures never valued education amongst girls.

Through the efforts of women empowerment, a good number of ladies are educated and are more intelligent, even some are extremely intelligent compared to men. Ladies can now do jobs that were previously deemed by the society ti be only for men.
Education has changed everything, and gender equality is the new norm. Women have really fought for their space in the society and they are indeed winning. There are nations that are even led by female presidents, there are senior doctors ,pilots, lawyers, engineers , neurosurgeons who are females.
They boychild may seem forgotten, but they too have maintained their position in the society, however women are really overtaking them and nowadays it is not a surprise to find a woman as the head of the house. There is a group of single mothers who are successful and doing well in life, playing both the mum and dad role.
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This has somehow affected the marriage life. Research has shown that most men fear dating ladies who are more educated and intelligent than them. Several men raised several reasons why they don’t prefer a lady who is above them in terms of education and intelligence.
The most common reason is that they feel that the lady will be more controlling, and she won’t give a man a chance to be the head of the house. A good number of men said that for a man to be respected by his wife, he must be more educated than her, more intelligent and have more money than her. That will give the man the power to make wise decision and also to be respected as the head of the house.
There is also a few marriages that are successful where a woman is more educated than the husband, but she respects her man and humbles before him as the head of the house.
However majority of relationships where a woman is more educated, has more intelligent and is earning more money than her husband tend to fail terribly, because the woman starts to be more controlling on her husband and feels more superior than him.