I went to Search for A Better Life in Saudi Arabia, I Came back With Broken Spine.
The Sad Story of Mary Wanjiru

“I went to Search for A Better Life in Saudi Arabia, I Came back With Broken Spine.
Cases of Kenyan ladies being humiliated and harassed in Arabs countries have been increasing daily. A good number of ladies have lost their lives while working as househelps in this nations. It is hard to understand what is going on there because there are those who are
happy and those who are suffering. Here is the sad story of Mary.
Mary just like other ladies, left Kenya to go and search for a better life and atleast change the poverty conditions of their home. However things changed after she was pushed of the balcony in Riyadh and was injured badly.
Mary Wanjiru was then struggling to support her mother, siblings and also her 3 children. She got a chance to go to Saudia Arabia through a friend who helped her with the paper work and she was on her way to working as a House manager or Househelp in Saudia Arabia.
At the beginning her employer was a very good person but two months later things changed and the boss begun to mistreate her. SheForcibly isolated from family and friends, she was compelled to shut off connections.
Her employer also denied her the first month salary and she was told that she won’t be paid because the urgency that hired her had spent a significant amount of money.
So one day her boss tried to force her into the prayers room on 17th June and when she refused he pushed her off from the second floor.
Mary fell off, hit her head on a rock and her spinal cord was broken. After sustain those injuries she was forced to sign some documents that she couldn’t understand because of the pain she was going through and the case was withdrawn.
While at the hospital, two Arab patients helped her after learning that she was a victim of domestic violence from her boss. They connected her with other Kenyans living in gulf, the Kenyans in gulf united and came through for her help.
She managed to get all the things done and plane paid and she was brought back in the country while lame because her spine had broken completely. She is currently on home medication at her village home in Jawatho. She said that each 2 week she pays 1500 for her urinary catheter to be changed.