” I Charge Ksh.1 Million for Attending A Wedding” Eddie Butita.

After landing in Akothee’s wedding in a unique style via a chopper, comedian and CEO of SPM Buzz, Eddie Butita has decided to reveal his wedding attendance rate card.
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Recently we saw Milly Wa Jesus revealing the huge amount of money, she charges to be a brides maid in any wedding. Njugush also released his disruptor wedding rate card, now it is Eddie Butita.
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Speaking in an interview with Plug Tv, Eddie Butita said that he has raised standards. Being a comedian who is celebrated all over the country, he charges ksh. 1 Million for wedding attendance. If you want him to come with a chopper and his girlfriend Sadia, then you will have to pay ksh.2 Million.
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The comedian also said that he can only attend weddings that are in classic places, such as big hotels that have spaces for choppers to land. He went on that, if you want him to be among the bridegroom mens, then you will have to add more money.
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Eddie Butita said that he comes with alot on the table, and if a person pays that money , then they won’t regret, because he will try his level best to make the wedding look more classy and it will go viral all over the social media pages.