From Roasting Maize to Owning Super metro Company, Meet Highschool Drop Out Nelson Mwangi.

Supermetro is a very famous Matatu company in Kenya, especially Nairobi. It has gained fame due to their good services, and most kenyans prefer to have long queues to board the matatu rather than using the alternatives. It operates in Ngong road, Waiyaiki, Thika road and other roads.
Read more:Meet The Young Billionaire Who Founded Zetech University While 22Years Old.
However what most people don’t know about this company, is that it was founded by a highschool dropout, who used to roast maize, before accumulating wealth and saving well, hence coming up with the idea of the company and actualized it.
The comp is owned by Nelson Mwangi. He hails from central region, and he was raised in a very humble background, Murang’a county. After completing high school, Nelsons parents didn’t have money to take him to university.

As a young man he was forced to move to Nairobi to start hustling. Nelson started roasting maize in the city, before landing into a restaurant job. Part time he also used to do other hustles as he saves money well.
After hustling for several years, in 2013 Nelson teamed up with his 13 friends, and they together started the Supermetro Company. At the beginning things were not easy, but they kept gaining fame yearly.
Nelson decided to make his company more unique and organised.The Matatus are always clean and more secure, that is among the reasons why Nairobians love Supermetro, and they praise the company all over.
The company makes millions of money on daily basis, and it has made Nelson a very wealthy billionaire, living a very lavish lifestyle. His success story is an inspiration to anyone who is giving up, keep on hustling , with goals, one day you will achieve them .
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