Thee Pluto ‘s Girlfriend Felicity Shiru Opens Up On Doing DNA Test.
Thee Pluto's girlfriend Felicity Shiru Speaks Up On Doing DNA Test.

Thee Pluto’ s girlfriend Felicity Shiru finally decided to open up on doing DNA Test of their daughter Zoey. There has been pressures from fans who have been asking them to carry out the test and make it public .

Andrew Kibe was the one who started the whole saga. He claimed that Felicity cheated on Thee Pluto, and he has full evidence that baby Zoey doesn’t belong to Thee Pluto. Kibe went on and promised him ksh.134,000 if he agrees to do DNA test and make the results public .
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Thee Pluto declined the offer from Kibe, and he said that he is very sure that Zoey is his daughter with his girlfriend Felicity. Speaking during an interview, Felicity also decided to open up on that controversial topic.
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She said that her and Thee Pluto are best friends who are in love, so they never hide anything from each other. She said that they both have never doubted or thought of doing the DNA test, they are very sure that Zoey belongs to them.
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Felicity said that she has learned social media very well, and her and her boyfriend have never let social media control their love. According to her most of the negative information about her or about Thee Pluto are usually spread by haters who don’t wan’t them to be together.
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She said that the story of doing DNA test is just a story like others, and they have never talked about it, because they all know the truth. Thee Pluto is also a happy father, and he has never spoke about doing DNA test, he really loves his family, and he treats his girlfriend very well, with much love.
Click the link below to watch full video on YouTube.