Grace: I Regret Selling My Body to A Man I Met at Safari Rally in Naivasha, He infected me HIV.
Grace Narrates how she contracted HIV during Safari Rally at Naivasha.

Grace a Mother of two regrets selling her body to a man she met at Safari Rally in Naivasha. She was offered a huge amount of money , only to end up being infected with HIV.
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Grace was born and raised in Nyahururu , her mother died when she was 5 years, hence her grandmother took care of her till she completed primary school.
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She decided to go and look for a job, by good luck , she was employed by a nanny. There she found the love of her life who promised to marry her . The two had two kids together, but the man was very toxic and this forced her to quit the marriage.
Grace went back to her grandparents home and after six months, she relocated to Naivasha. Here she was introduced to prostitution, and she started selling her body to men at a fee.
During the Safari Rally Period at Naivasha, Her friend convinced her to go and look for clients there. Day one she had a very good luck because she got a client, who offered to pay her ksh.5000 for one night.
The client refused to use protection , they got intimate raw the whole night. In the morning, the client gave her ksh.10 ,000 and a tablet that he commanded her to swallow.
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When she arrived home, she fell asleep and after 3 days, one of her friends took her to the hospital. She was given medication and after 7 hours she started feeling sober.
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After narrating the story of what happened. The doctor requested her to do HIV test. The unexpected happened and she was found positive. Since then her life changed completely and currently she is going through alot.