Enock Ngetich: Why I Hate My Uber Job Despite Making Ksh.150,000 Every Month.

Enock Ngetich is one of the cab drivers in Nairobi , the young man was born and raised in Bomet, but he was forced to shift in Nairobi to look for greener pastures, and i this case he came as an uber driver.
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The cab driving business in Kenya has been doing well for sometime, but there are also several challenges. There are many applications and each one of them has their own challenges.
Enock tooka Suzuki alto on loan, and since he couldn’t afford to pay for it while in Bomet, he shifted to Nairobi. He used to pay ksh. 17,000 Monthly, later increased to 22 ,000 . He paid for 36 months and the car was officially fully handed to him.
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Enock said that daily through cab driving, he might make upto ksh.5000 . That is the money minus all expenses. Sometimes he makes ksh.2000 or 3000. On a good day he has ever made ksh. 31,000.

He said that monthly if you add the money he makes, it is about ksh.150,0000 . He doesn’t struggle to pay rent and all expenses. Uber has changed his life, but he hates the job because of rude clients. He even narrated how one of his applications was closed despite client telling lies.
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The hike in petrol prices is also among the reasons why Enock hate cab driving. He said that as soon as things get more well he might consider exiting Uber and going to do other Job. But for now he is better than before, because he atleast makes a good money on daily basis.