Githaiga Samuel: I Regret Being Misused By Men and Got Infected HIV At The Age of 17 Years.
How Githaiga Samuel Was Infected HIV

A famous Kenyan tiktoker Githaiga Samuel, came out openly , to pass a message to members of the LGBTQ Community, which he is also part of it. He used himself as an example , as he narrated to them how men misused him, and infected him with HIV and AIDS at a young age of 17 years.
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In his previous interview with Presenter Ali, Githaiga said that he had difficulties in completing his highschool education, because of being in the LGBTQ Community.several schools because of being gay, his parents were also against him because of his sexuality.
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So the tiktoker decided to start working as a sex worker in the city , Westland ares. After 3 months he discovered that he is HIV positive. This was the most difficult time in his life. Because he was homeless and his condition needed proper medication.
Githaiga said that he was infected HIV due to lack of knowledge, he never knew that having an anal intimacy can lead to HIV, so he used to sleep with men without any fear.

The tiktoker said that he regrets his mistakes, and he even realised that he was Misused. He has been living with HIV for 10 years, at the age of 27 years now, no man wants him, and they now prefer going for the younger people.
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The tiktoker warned the younger people who are in LGBTQ Community, he told them to be very careful because it is a community where people use you to quench their needs and dump you.
For example in his case, when he was still young, alot of men wanted him, but now at the age of 27 no one want him, they prefer going for young people who are fresh from highschool. He said that if someone is not careful, they will get misused and dumped.