Diana Bahati : I’m Pregnant But Bahati Wants Twatwa Kila Siku. “yeye hukuja Saa nane ya Usiku na Anataka kupewa” .
Diana Bahati exposes Bahati for wanting to taste her waters daily.

Diana Bahati has exposed her husband Bahati for demanding conjugal rights daily. Diana decided to open up,after a video of Bahati exposing her for not satisfying his conjugal rights went viral.
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How Bahati Exposed his wife for not satisfying his conjugal rights.
Bahati went viral in an interview with Dr Ofweneke on TV 47. This is after he said openly that one thing that bores him about his wife Diana is, she denies him conjugal rights.
Bahati said that he can go upto 2 days without testing Diana waters. Bahati said that Diana should change on that and atleast ensure that she satisfy him fully.
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Why Bahati is Denied conjugal rights.
Diana Bahati Decided to cleanher name. She responded to her husbands expose via an interview with Nicholas Kioko. Diana said that she doesn’t denie Bahati conjugal rights as he said.
Diana said that she only denied him for a week because she wanted to rest. She further more said that she tries to moderate, Because Bahati usually wants to taste her waters daily.
Diana said it is tiresome so she tries as much as possible to ensure maybe after 2 days she gives him.
“Sijawai Mnyima, Nilimkalisha tu dryspell wiki moja, na ni juu nilikua nataka Kupumzika. Mhesh anataka tu kupewa kila siku. Yeye hukuja kwa nyumba saa nane na anataka nimpee na mimi saa hizo nakuaga nimechoka. But sikuhizi mi humpea after 2 days ivi. Na niko na mimba lakini anataka daily “Diana Marua.
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Diana concluded by saying that they are in good terms with her husband. They are eagerly waiting to welcome their third born, late this year.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.