
Cute Photos of Crazy Kennar with His Beautiful Girlfriend Natalie Asewe

Crazy kennar with her girlfriend Natalie Asewe.

Photos of famous comedian Crazy Kennar with Her Beautiful Girlfriend Natalie Asewe, have gone viral on social media. It is not romours , the two are deeply in love. There love started longtime ago when, Kennar wasn’t even a celebrity. They have been through thick and thin together.

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Natalie Asewe is the lucky girl who is dating Kennar. According to an Instagram post from Natalie, the couple has been together for 12 years.

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Who is Natalie Asewe?

The lady comes from Western region, she is a financial manager, business woman and she owns a clothline. She is also the one who is incharge of Instant delicacies, which is a restaurant owned by Crazy Kennar.

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12 years of love is not something that can be easily achieved, especially for young couples. This clearly shows that the end goal of the two lover birds is getting married, and staying together forever.  Kennar and Natalie are hardworking and at their younger age, they have achieved a lot. They live a lavish life in a posh apartment and they own a prado Tx.

Here are cute photos of Crazy Kennar with Her Beautiful Girlfriend Natalie Asewe

Crazy kennar with her beautiful girlfriend
Crazy kennar with her beautiful girlfriend Natalie Asewe/photos courtesy

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