My boyfriend knows am a virgin but Nilipea Babake Mechi Safi , Then Akapata Accident Akakufa.
A lady Confesses on sleeping with her boyfriend's father.

A middle aged lady has made a very shocking confession via a video that has gone viral online. The lady has confessed that her boyfriend’s father is the one who broke her virginity.
Speaking via a video , the lady whose identity was hidden, said that she fell in love with a certain boy . They met in church and there bond became so strong. The two decided to date.
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So to make it official that they are dating, her boyfriend decided to introduce her to his family. While bonding with the family members, the boyfriends father had a crush on her and he secretly collected her number.
So she started chatting with the father to her boyfriend secretly. They became friendly till they started sending each other nudes and nasty photos. The father was rich so he used to send her money everytime.
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So one day he requested her to accompine him to Mombasa so that they can have fun. The lady tried to refuse, but the father threatened to blackmail her by exposing her nudes. She had no option so she accepted to go with him to Mombasa.
Remember all this time she was still a virgin and even her boyfriend knew she is very pure . So while in Mombasa it went down, and the father broke her virginity.
Since then they started doing sex randomly , the father used to call her to different lodgings in the city.
The lady confessed that the father used to give her money and if she refuse to get intimate with him , he threatened to leak her nudes.
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By bad luck the father got a fatat accident and died. It was a reprieve for her. However now the main problem is how she will tell her boyfriend that his father who died is the one who broke her virginity.
She said that she has been dating her boyfriend for several years and they have never had sex because they promised each other to practice celibacy till marriage.So her boyfriend knows that she is still pure .
There wedding is in 3 months time now she is in a confusion on how she can convince her boyfriend that she isn’t a virgin and it is his father who broke it.
Click here to watch full video on Tiktok.