Akothee Opens Up on Dumping Husband for Mzungu.
Akothee reveals why she divorced her ex husband Jared.

Akothee Opens Up on dumping husband for Mzungu: After sharing her divorce certificate online and proving to Kenyans that , she legally ended her marriage with , her ex husband Jared. Akothee has revealed the possible reason why the two parted ways.
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According to the certificate , Jared was the complainant, while Akothee was the respondent. Jared claimed that Akothee deserted her and moved on with a Mzungu. So after leaving him lonely, he also decided to move on with his life hence divorce was the only way.
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One Akothee’s followers commented raising the issue of the reasons saying that Akothe left the Jared because he was poor and moved to a rich man.
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However Akothee decided to respond back to the fan . She said that Jared lied about the reason for their divorce.
She said that he would have just said Akothee was no longer sweet for him anymore and he already had another person in his life who was fresh and sweeter than her .