“Huwezi Onekana Kwa Picha Za Asubuhi ” Kiss Fm Respond to Butita Request of 1Million Salary To Replace Obinna.

Famous comedian and the CEO of SPM Buzz, Eddie Butita is among the celebrities who have shown interest in filling the gap left by Obinna at Kiss 100. This is after Obinna announced that he has parted ways with the radio station.
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Oga Obinna said that his contract had expired and he wasn’t going to renew it. Romours has it that he didn’t agree with the management on the salary. Previously Obinna was alleged to be earning about ksh.400,000, it seems like he wanted an increment.
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However Eddie Butita has urged Kiss 100 to employ him to fill the gap of Obinna. Though he had one condition. He can only work for them if they pay him a salary of ksh.1Million per month. Meaning that he will be the highest paid Radio presenter in Kenya.
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Kiss fm decided to respond to him in a savage and mocking way. They said that they have that budget, but they aren’t sure if he will be visible during the morning photoshoot session. Remember they usually take photos of presenters in the studio during the morning hours, and share them on their social media pages, to promote the show.

It somehow an insult, but it is never that serious because it is a joke that most comedians use on Butita because of his complexion.