
3 Multimillion Houses Owned By Raila Odinga.

Here are 3 Multimillion Houses Owned by Raila Odinga.

Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga is among the politicians who are living large. Here are 3 Multimillion Houses Owned by Raila Odinga.

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Raila has three well known Houses in Kisumu and Nairobi County.

Here are 3 Multimillion Mansions Owned by Raila Amollo Odinga.


1. Posh home in Karen

Houses Owned by Raila Odinga
Raila Odinga’s house in Karen /Photo Courtesy

It is most expensive of the 3 Houses Owned by Raila Odinga. Karen is well known as a royal suburb and it is a home of rich people in Nairobi. This is where luxurious and huge bungalows are found. Raila Odinga is one of the luckiest politicians in Kenya who own a posh home in Karen.

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The home has all the five star hotel services, starting from massive living room, swimming pool, a jacuzzi, gym and many more others. It is estimated to be costing about 550million.

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2. Mansion in Riat Hills

Houses Owned by Raila Odinga.
Raila Odinga’s House in Riat Hils/Photo Courtesy

Raila owns a very cool and beautiful mansion in Kisumu County. This mansion is located at Riat Hills. It has 10 bedrooms, conference rooms, bullet prove windows, swimming pool and many more others. Romours have it that it cost him over 700 million. This is the coolest of all the 3 Houses Owned by Raila Odinga.

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3. Home in Bondo.

Houses Owned by Raila Odinga
Raila Odinga’s House in Bondo/Photo Courtesy

I guess this is the well known home of Raila, because it has been shown on television several times.This is his matrimonial home. It has farm and gardens. It also has special dining and living areas. It is also expensive among the 3 well known  Houses Owned by Raila Odinga.

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