Becky is a Tv program that is normally aired on Citizen TV every weekday, that is from Monday to Friday. It is among the most beloved Tv series in Kenya, and since it started, its actors have been gaining relevant fame online, and most of them are now celebrities.
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The series is written and produced by both Rashid Abdalla and his wife Lulu Hassan, they decided to merge their creativity and came up with something amazing. Just like a good number of Kenyans, Becky Series is made up with genius young people, who really performed very well in exams.
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Majority of actors in the series, there grades, match their acting skills. It is evident that they did well in KCSE exams, and even one of them by the name Titoh, is a doctor by profession. She decided to quit his career and concentrated on his passion which is acting.
Here are the leaked KCSE grades of your favourite Becky Series Actors.
Trisha Khalid – B+
Sally – B+
Shantell- A-
Becky- B+
Sanchez- B-
Junior – A
Titoh _A-
In acting it is your skill that gives you a role and not your grades, however, for you to be a good actor, you must be smart, and have the ability to master the script well, and deliver as expected.
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People usually think acting is a walk in the path. It is not an easy career, it involves alot of sacrifices, which include night shoots . endurance and not giving up are some of the qualities a good actor is supposed to have. For the Becky series to be top notch. The actors usually put in alot and that is why they deliver their roles very well.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.