” I’m Not Done” Meet A Woman Who Has Given Birth To 44 Children With One Husband.
Meet a woman who has given birth to 44 Children with one husband

Mama Uganda is a very famous name in Uganda, this is a woman who has given birth to 44 Children With One man. Something that shocked the whole of Uganda and Africa in general, this has never happened before and it is just a blessing from God.
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Speaking in an interview with Wode Maya, Mama Uganda said that she started giving birth at a very tender age, because her parents sold her to a man when she was very young. She was not ready to get married, but her parents forced her to get married while still young.
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Her dream was to only have 7 children, and she ended up having 44 children with one husband.She has given birth 15 times, and she has 5 qudruplets, 3 tripplets, 4 twins and only one single.

Mama Uganda said that she was told that she is very fertile and hence the reason why she used to give birth upto 4 children. Her first borns are 25 years. Herself has not yet reached menopause, hence she is not yet done giving birth.
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She revealed that she has over 10 grandchildren, and she is taking care of all the children as a single mother. Her husband dumped her, and said that is not normal, she must be bewitched, the man disappeared completely till to date , she doesn’t know where he went.
She has already burried 6 children, who died under mysterious circumstances. Therefore she decided to be more keen and take care of all her children alone. She knows all their names, and she works very hard to provide for them.
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Majority of them are in school, despite being poor Mama Uganda ,makes sure that all her children get basic needs. She said that currently she is avoiding men, but she is not yet done giving birth, she wants to school all her children and then maybe in the coming years she might get pregnant again.
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